NPIC美國總部於本月榮登美國本地最受歡迎的寵物雜誌《Pet Age》專訪!

《Pet Age》 於美國發行已有50多年歷史,為美國帶來最豐富及關鍵的寵物趨勢。


問題 1 》N-Bone 系列中的幼犬潔牙環、咀嚼棒和訓練零食,是因什麼理念而開發出?又是如何協助幼犬的口腔發展?




藉由廣泛的與飼主們訪談需求及對產品的謹慎評估,我們針對『口腔健康保養,從小開始培養』的理念,開發出了 N-Bone 幼犬潔牙環、潔牙骨和訓練用零食,以滿足幼犬在不同領域和場合的需求。


這就是為什麼在我們所有的 Puppy 產品中,皆使用 DHA 和鈣等功能性成份製作配方,以促進牠們的認知發展和培養強壯的牙齒和骨骼。






NPIC 設計出獨特形狀和紋理的潔牙環和潔牙骨,以便幼犬可以愉快地放肆咀嚼。




N-Bone Puppy 產品線所提供的風味,都是小狗們最喜歡的! 如雞肉、花生醬和南瓜。


問題 2 》 Get Naked 系列對於不同年齡的狗狗,有哪些功能益處?


Get Naked 健納緹系列是NPIC品牌中屢獲殊榮的先驅,在功能性寵物零食類別中處於領先地位。




例如,美國推出的健納緹升級系列中的鎮靜保健機能( Get Naked Premium Bones – Calming Care )

是少數不含 CBD 或任何藥物的鎮靜產品,成份中包括洋甘菊、檸檬香脂和薰衣草精油…等,


還有同一升級系列中的關節保健( Get Naked Joint Health ),我們添加了氨基葡萄糖、軟骨素和 Omega-3 脂肪酸,以支持靈活性和活動性。


好物推薦》潔牙、保健 一次滿足!



更在 2021 年重新推出了新包裝及提升配方,以便毛爸媽們可以在任何場合提供這些潔牙零食給心愛的毛小孩。


3.N-Bone 和 Get Naked 系列具有多種健康益處,如何找到NPIC 的建議零售商?




4. NPIC 未來如何通過創新,在品牌長遠的規劃中逐步成長?

效率溝通、嚴謹開發 、 創新嘗試

這是一個很好的問題! 創新是每項專案及系列壯大的關鍵, 在寵物零食類別中更是如此。


『關注客戶需求 』 、 『 了解業界產品動態 』 ,以及 『 不斷改進自身能力』



而敏捷性正是 NPIC 引以為傲的優勢。

因為我們擁有強大的研發團隊,且擁有最先進的 160,000 平方英尺設施,

順便說一句,NPIC廠區設施通過了 SQF 3 級認證,



我們希望能在未來 2-3 年內推出更多有意義、且創新的人氣產品給消費者。


1. How are N-Bone puppy teething rings, chew sticks and training treats specially designed to support and benefit puppies?

Like the human, dogs need different nutrients during different stages of their lives. At NPIC, we see our furry friends as part of our human family, so we care for them as we do with human babies. With insights from extensive pet owner interviews and product assessments, we developed the N-Bone Puppy Teething Rings, Teething Sticks, and Training Treats to meet the needs of puppies in different areas and occasions.

One major area we focus on is the nutritional needs of puppies. That is why in all of our Puppy products, we crafted the formulas with functional ingredients like DHA and calcium for healthy cognitive development and strong teeth and bone. And in the Puppy Training Treats, we included colostrum and probiotics to help build a healthy immune system.

Another major area that we focus on, is the design of product shapes that meet puppies’ behavioral needs. As many of the puppy owners can attest, young puppies like to chew on anything and everything in sight, like your shoes, your carpet, or even your couch. The destructive chewing urges can be a headache for many owners. We designed our Teething Rings and Teething Sticks in unique shapes and textures so that the puppies have something enjoyable to chew on.

One last thing to mention about this is that, while we placed much focus on the functional benefits, we did not forget to make these treats delicious as we want to provide an experience that is not only beneficial but also enjoyable. The N-Bone Puppy product line comes in puppy-favorites flavors such as chicken, peanut butter, and pumpkin. The variety of flavors make sure we have something for every taste.

2. What are the overall functional benefits of Get Naked treats for different life stages of dogs?

Get Naked is an award-winning pioneer that leads in the functional pet treats category. Again, through extensive research in the products, the market, and the consumers, we identified several key areas that are critical to the wellness of pets, such as joint, skin & coat, digestion, immunity, and weight management.

We carefully crafted our formulas that include high-quality, natural ingredients to support these claims. For example, the Get Naked Premium Bones – Calming Care, one of the few calming products that is free of CBD or any drugs, include chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender essential oil – all known natural ingredients for calming effect, in the formula so the owners can give them to their dogs confidently. And then there’s the Get Naked Joint Health Dental Sticks, which are fortified with glucosamine, chondroitin, and Omega-3 fatty acid to support flexibility and mobility. We know this is extremely important because many pet owners like to take their dogs to the nature and roam free, and we want to be here to support that so they can enjoy the fun.

Also, we developed three different product formats – bones, sticks, and soft treats – we re-launched with new packaging and improved formulas in 2021, so that the pet owners can give these treats to their beloved dogs on any occasion, as dental treats, or rewarding treats, but with functional benefits and not just empty calories.

3. With N-Bone and Get Naked treats and chews having multiple health benefits, where does NPIC recommend retailers display these products?

Please go to the contact us page to leave information.

4. How does NPIC approach innovation to drive its long-term growth?

This is a great question. Innovation is the key to growth in almost every category and we at NPIC know it’s even more so in the Pet Treats category based on many conversations we have had with our business partners. Our approach is three-fold: a focus on the customer needs, an understanding of the category dynamics, and the continuous improvement of our capabilities. We think of them together as a Venn diagram and the intersection is where we want to dedicate our resources from every department so that we can quickly go from the concept phase to actual products on the shelves of our retailer partners.

Speaking of agility, this is what NPIC takes a lot of pride in. Because we have a strong R&D team and we own our state-of art, 160,000 sqft facility, which by the way, is SQF Level 3 certified, we can run through the rapid prototyping process in a short amount of time. I think having this capability, plus the high-level talent that we already have, position us well as we look to double our revenue in the next 2-3 years with many meaningful, innovative new products every year, just like the N-Bone Puppy Teething Rings that we introduced few years ago.